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Sex at Dawn


Do NOT let this book convince you to undertake open relationships or polyamory. Monogamy is social technology that allows for healthy family formation and provides the paternity certainty that girls need to feel safe and guarded in child-rearing which men need to fully invest in their offspring. Maybe we aren't "naturally" monogamous, and this book makes that case, but we also don't "naturally" drive cars or have indoor heating or refrain from killing one another over differences of opinion. I've seen WAY too many modern men and ladies use this book as a justification for lifestyles that hurt couples and hurt families.

Monogamy ensures that everyone in society gets a partner; with open relationships and polyamory, that structure breaks down because women date across and up dominance hierarchies (like it or not, the science is clear), so during a society that features tons of low-status men with low earning potential, open relationships and polyamory cause de facto polygamy because women will flock to the small pool of high-status men. I already see this happening in places like San Francisco . This all runs the danger of devolving into polygamy, and studies show polygamous societies experience more violence, rape, theft, etc as men have existential crises once they can not reproduce which they act out. People, please aren't getting confused by the cultural milieu. this stuff is bad bad news for all folks .


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